Online for Issue 6
May 1996
> Features:
- "Our Top 11 List":
You know that picture on the cover... that dress of disks is number one on our Top 11 list of Things you can make from the disks from online services and ISPs. Why do our lists go up to 11? If you've ever seen Spinal Tap, you know 11 is more than 10.
- "SPECIAL REPORT: The Future of the Internet":
With the dynamics of the Internet changing on a daily basis, we talk to the people who are shaping the bandwidths future and analyze where the 'net is headed on the commercial, cultural and technological levels.
- "A Fistful of Spam":
E-mailboxes and newsgroups are increasingly becoming littered with spams. Fortunately, there are some brave souls out there who are willing to clean up the mess.
- "On the 'Net with... Douglas Adams":
We catch up with the famous British sci-fi satirist and get the scoop on his latest projects including the adaptation of his Hitchhikers series for the infobahn.
> Departments: