When did you join Internet Underground?
May 3rd 1996
How long have you been online?
May 3rd 1996
What do you spend most of your time doing online?
Singing along to Spooky Ruben sound clips with the rest of our staff.
How do you spend offline time?
Watching movies (Jane Eyre, Sense and Sensibility, An Angel At MyTable etc.), shopping at antique stores, reading magazines, visiting my friends back in Detroit, practicing how to parallel park here in Chicago, hey, this is beginning to sound like a personal ad.
Do you surf with links underlined?
What was the first site that really caught your attention?
80's server is pretty groovy (brings back memories of that oh so important flourescent era!) and ours, Internet Online, of course.
What scares you about the Internet?
If anything scares me, I feel safe knowing that Icabod, my pet goldfish will protect me, for his fishbowl is 2 feet from my computer.
What best prepared you for your work?
Drawing the same nude guy named Harold in figure drawing class or maybe it was waiting tables and asking over and over again,"Would you like seasoned fries or french fries?"
Are your a dog or cat person? Or perhaps some alternative pet?
My pet is my goldfish, Icabod, but he is not very alternative. Although we are trying to find some way of tattooing him. Those temporary tatoos tend to come off in his little fishbowl.
"In high school I was...
trying to pick up cute skateboarder boys in detention.
I definetly spent more time socializing than studying."
Describe your favorite monitor decoration/toy?
That would have to be the polaroid transfer I got as a going away gift,
or maybe my teeney tiny pink dinosaur I stole from Bernstein. But I would like to get the Jeff Goldblum action figure from Jurassic Park. The J.G. action figure from Independence Day is inaccurate to his body proportions.This is something I willl put on my christmas list to Santa Claus this year.
The ultimate online snack is...?
Peanut M&M's from the EGM vending machine.
What applications are usually running on your computer?
QuarkXpress and Photoshop
What's your favorite book?
Any design book, especially The End Of Print by that David Carson
guy you hear so much about or any Jane Austen Novel, But I tend to spend most of my time reading magazines.
What's your favorite cereal, and when do you indulge?
I don't eat cereal, not even Kix because I don't like milk.
What tunes play while you surf?
Sunny Day Real Estate, Beastie Boys, Rage, Tortise, Chocolate USA, Trans Am, Eric's Trip, Rachel's, and once everyone leaves the office I can secretly enjoy the Allman Brothers and Doobie Brothers until the cleaning crew comes in, then I put on music you generally hear at the dentists office. They like that.