The Internet Underground Subscription FAQ
Nothing could be further from the truth. We're still chained to our desks cranking out
quality editorial. As you know from reading IU, we already like to challenge you, our
readers, intellectually, so we figured why not challenge you physically by making you
schlep to the newsstand to pick up your monthly copy.
That's the bad news. As of the August issue of IU (#9) subscriptions to IU have been
suspended. That means your August issue will never arrive in your mailbox. Leave the
house now to go snatch a copy off the newsstand before they're sold out. If you're having
trouble finding the magazine in your area, bug your local retailers to start carrying it.
As of mid-August you should have received a letter from us explaining the situation.
Basically, the balance of your subscription is being transferred to Electronic Gaming
Monthly (EGM), an excellent magazine covering the exciting world of
Nintendo, Sega, Sony Playstation and other video games.
Yes, you can. In order to receive a refund for the balance of your subscription please send
an e-mail message to with the subject line "IU Refund Request." Your
request must include the full name and address you used to subscribe to IU. Even if you
opt for a refund we will send you EGM for the balance of your subscription at no cost.
Of course, just note in your refund request that you don't even want the free subscription
to EGM. You may get an issue or two before your cancellation is processed. Heck, you
might even like it.
Direct any further questions you have to have
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