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Part of being athletic means being healty inside and out, right? Well, Thailand's New Age Gateway offers lots of advice to keep you healthy and cleansed. There's so much to do and see on this site that you may begin to wonder if enlightenment is necessary to figure it all out. There are links to products, games, amusements, upcoming features and lots of shopping sections. However, what you really want to check out here is in the "Pure New Age" section. This segment has so many articles about health and endurance: the new Age Alternative Medicine glossary, Tao sexual yoga, Womens' Natural Breastfeeding and plenty more. You'll need energy, patience and endurance just to get through it all. This is a fantastic health resource that backs up its claim that "If you want to re-engineer your life, this is definitely the place to start," only to be followed by, "Tissue rejuvenation begins from a clean bowel." The site's a bit confusing, but worth figuring out.

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